The tooth fairy is paying a special visit for kids in Tukwila! Join the tooth fairy for story time at the Tukwila Library (map below) on Wednesday, Aug. 16, 2023, from 4:30 to 5 p.m.   

The presentation, organized by the American Heart Association and Delta Dental of Washington, is ideal for kids ages 5-9 and will include a dental-themed storybook reading and hands-on educational activities focused on the importance of good nutrition, and healthy lifestyles.

Each child that attends will receive a free dental health kit and a copy of the Tooth Fairy storybook.

After story time, kids can get a free dinner at the Sullivan Center as part of the free summer meals program by the Food Innovation Network. Several organizations have made a coordinated effort to provide free meals for kids 18 and younger in Tukwila over the summer.

The program launched in June to help families that rely on school meal programs avoid having children go hungry during the summer break.

No fees, sign-up, or proof of identity or legal status is required to receive meals.

The food must be consumed on site and meals will be available until August 30. For a list of locations and schedule, visit the American Heart Association’s website.

You can also locate other meal sites here.

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