Tukwila Parks & Recreation and the Tukwila Children’s Foundation have joined forces for the 2019 Spirit of Giving Campaign.

Together, with the help from generous businesses, organizations, and community members, we will reduce financial stress for caregivers and help create a time of ease and joy for Tukwila children this winter.  Each December families are referred to a private event to select items for their children.  Families are referred by the Tukwila School District and City of Tukwila Human Services Department.

Why help?

  • Three out of every four students that attend elementary schools in Tukwila qualifies for free or reduced lunch.
  •  76% of Tukwila families with young children are living below the poverty line.
  • $40,000 in gifts and financial donations are needed to purchase gifts for 175 families and 350 kids in Tukwila this December.
  • Ensure a healthy and happy winter for hundreds of children by helping to providing special toys, cozy items, hygiene essentials, and holiday experiences.

In 2018 the Spirit of Giving Campaign helped over 300 children and their families by providing items of need – such as hats, mittens, blankets and hygiene items, and gifts that spark happiness – such as toys, art supplies, and books.

This is how you can help Tukwila children, now through mid-December:

Donate: Individuals and groups can donate directly to the campaign by dropping off new, unwrapped items at giving locations. Items being collected include: Toys, Art Supplies, Movie Tickets, Bowing Certificates, Games, and Gift Cards.

Drop off locations

  • Tukwila Community Center
  • Tukwila City Hall
  • Please check back often for updated locations

Contribute:  100% of all cash donations go directly to purchases for Tukwila children and their families (no portion of cash donations are used to cover staffing or other overhead expenses).   Cash donations are used to purchase toys and other essential items of need. Here’s how to donate:

  • Contribute in person at the Tukwila Community Center located at 12424 42nd Ave. S., Tukwila
  • Visit the Tukwila Children’s Foundation website: https://www.tukwilachildrensfoundation.org/donate
  • Paypal:  Search for the email address: TukwilaChildrensFoundation@gmail.com  at www.paypal.com
  • Venmo: Search for @TukwilaChildrensFoundation  through the venmo app or online at www.venmo.com
  • Please note – all contributions made through the Tukwila Children’s Foundation are tax deductible.

Host: Organizations, businesses, faith-based communities, and service groups can host a Toy Drive, Book Drive, Blanket Drive, Hat Drive, Game Drive, or Gift Card Drive. Our friendly staff will help you organize your effort by providing promotional materials, a collection bin and other resources.

To become involved email: Giving@TukwilaWA.gov or call: 206-767-2342.