Tukwila Police reported two more overdose saves overnight between Thursday and Friday, Jan. 24-25, bringing the total to three lives saved in the city in a single day thanks to the administration of Narcan by bystanders.

In both incidents, police said that individuals who found the overdosed persons acted quickly and administered the life-saving medication, reversing the effects of opioid overdoses. Police credited these third-party interventions for preventing fatalities.

Officers have been warning community members about the dangers of a potent batch of fentanyl currently circulating in the area.

“The narcotic is so addictive that it’s like a dangerous game of Fentanyl Roulette,” a Tukwila Police spokesperson said. “Even knowing there’s a lethal batch out there, the pull to use often outweighs the risk.”

In an ongoing effort to curb the spread of illegal drugs, police recently impounded an RV linked to a known drug dealer near Tukwila International Boulevard and South 146th Street. The department described these RVs as “mobile drug stores” and emphasized its commitment to proactive enforcement against those distributing dangerous narcotics.

Officers urged the public to stay vigilant and continue carrying Narcan, which can be a critical tool in saving lives during the fentanyl epidemic.

Photos courtesy Tukwila Police Department.