Volunteers are needed for some upcoming Green Tukwila Work Parties – Restoration at Riverton on Tuesday, Mar. 1, and Duwamish Hill Preserve on Saturday, March 19, 2022.
Green Tukwila is restoring 138 acres of forest and open green spaces over the next 20 years. The only way to accomplish this goal is with the support of partners and volunteers.
“Thank you for being a part of the solution!”
Green Tukwila is following Public Health Guidelines to keep volunteers and staff safe during work parties.
Work parties are limited to 20 people. If you need to cancel let us know so we can open up the opportunity.
If work parties fill up we may open a second work party on the same day.
All participants must:
- Wear a mask.
- Social distance, 6 feet away from all other households.
- Please eat before attending the work party and bring your own gloves. If you do not have gloves we will provide gloves for you.
Click the work party you are interested in and staff will send you an email with site-specific details.
- Restoration at Riverton, Tuesday, March 1, 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. SIGN UP HERE
- Duwamish Hill Preserve, Saturday, March 19, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. SIGN UP HERE
The City of Tukwila joined the Green Cities Partnership, a regional collaboration of cities working to steward natural open spaces in 2017. Tukwila’s program and initiative are called “Green Tukwila.” Together with Forterra, EarthCorps, Duwamish Alive Coalition, Dirt Corps, King County Parks, and the Tukwila community, Green Tukwila will care for public parks and natural open spaces across the city. Throughout the next 20 years, the partnership will work to restore and maintain 138 acres of Tukwila’s urban forest.
To do this great work we need everyone’s help. Join friends, neighbors, and bring your families outside to learn about trees, shrubs, invasive plants, how to use tools, and much more. Work parties are being planned for community members and businesses to care for precious urban forests and to ensure healthy, safe, and beautiful public spaces to enjoy in the future.
Volunteer work parties have limited numbers to ensure the safety of stewards, volunteers, and staff. Work parties are limited to 20 individuals, all participants must sign up online and will be sent confirmation and safety protocols the week before the work party.
Events are being planned for the 2022 season, the best way to get involved is to join the quarterly email list, Click here