The Burien Elks Lodge will be opening its doors to the public for a membership drive event on Saturday, May 1, 2021.
- Doors open at 7 p.m.
- Cost is $15 per person or $25 per couple.
- There will be live music by Soulstice.
- Light hors d’oevres served and beverages available for cash only purchase.
- This event is open to the public and members with proper COVID protocol.
The Burien Elks Lodge is one of nearly 2000 nationwide lodges that are part of the BPO Elks of the USA. B.P.O.Elks is a fraternal order with over a million members and a 151-year history of charitable of giving, including millions in scholarships, an inspiration to youth, a friend to veterans, and more.
The Burien Lodge alone has given over $2.5 million back to the community in charitable giving.
This event will allow both our current members to bring in non-members, and those in our community who have no associated connection with the lodge, to come in and view the lodge, meet members and hear about all the wonderful things that come from being an Elks member.
Links to event and online ticketing below:
Burien Elks is located at 14006 1st Ave S.: