Tukwila Weekend SnackPack Wants YOU:
Our first distribution is next week and we have some unique volunteer opportunities open for our Tukwila Weekend SnackPack Program.
We will provide on the job training.
- Healthy Addition leads: Help set up and supervise our Wednesday afternoon crew, Wednesdays, 12:45-3:15 pm, 2 times each month.
- SnackPack assembly leads: Help set up and supervise our Thursday morning crew. Thursdays, 8:30-11:00 am, 2 times each month.
- SnackPackmobile drivers & delivery volunteers: Good driving record a must. Thursdays, 9-11 am, 2 times each month
- Oodles of Noodles/Stuff the Bus food drive site supervisors: Work with our Executive Director, Jenny McCoy to set up and supervise volunteers for our quarterly food drives, 11/16/19, 2/1/20, 5/16/20, 9 am – 3 pm, Saar’s Super Saver Foods.
These are key positions, crucial to the smooth operation of our outreach to hungry Tukwila students.
If you are interested, please email us at tuksnackpack@gmail.com.